My last week in Venezuela, I worked at a camp there. It was so incredible and I was able to help out with music, sports and other program events. I was sitting in one of the services (which was scheduled for 2 hrs, but may go on for 6- no joke- just to give you an idea) and I was realizing "Wow, I am here. I just spent 2 months in Venezuela. I experienced so much! I did camp! I spoke on the radio... I... I..." And then I remembered my first journal entry on the plane to Venezuela... "God, I have no idea what I am doing. So anything that does happen it's going to be you." <
I hope that in sharing my experiences you have come to see the reality of God, prayer, and love in the world as I have learned/ am learning. Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers. I have no doubt they made all the difference! Now I am off on another adventure- what to do with my life this year!?